Re-Uniting in Delhi

Re-Uniting in Delhi

Re-Uniting in Delhi

Back to the chaos of the city. This time we got to do more exploring. The computer turned into a delayed nightmare situation that had us stay in Delhi for a week. Ug!!  The positive side of all our frustrations was the timing ended up being perfect to meet up with my Soul Bro from another mother.  My friend Justin, a traveling rogue from London.  He had just returned from Nepal where he had a near death experience on the top of Mt. Everest when the earthquake happened.  He ended up staying in Nepal raising money and helping the victims for 4 months.  We had met & bonded on our Peru Amazon  Shaman trip last year.  So this synchronicity was only divinely driven as all things are!!!

imageWe had the most wonderful evening reunion at a 5 Star Gourmet Indian Restaurant.  Such a treat and some of the yummiest delicacies I’ve ever tasted.   We also met his lovely friend, Rebecca, a well travelled journalist who has spent many years working in the middle east.  Rebecca is a remarkable woman. A warrior with an angelic look and essence.  A new world friend.  Ended up giving her a healing and she is so amazing & beautiful, we had a very deep sister connection.  So refreshing to meet these remarkable women out in the world doing their purpose.

After all the delays & chaos we decided to change our plans and go straight to the mountain town of McLeoud Ganj in the District of Dharmsala in the Himalayas.  This was our healing destination to heal my sciatica and eye situation. I felt before we do any hiking or other activities i needed some healing time.  So off we went by train.


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