Magical McLoud Ganj & Bhagsu

Magical McLoud Ganj & Bhagsu

Magical McLoud Ganj & Bhagsu

My 5 wks in McLoud Ganj was magical, healing and heart opening to a much higher vibration of global knowledge and understanding.  image So many new and beautiful experiences. The Bhuddist Temple in town.  image image An exploration of so many different new foods, northern india food, Tibetan food & all the other different foods Mcloud style from around the world.  They cater to the foreigners so lots of Israeli food, vegan, gluten free and even some organic restaurants.  Northern Indian food is basically a gluten & carb diet with overcooked vegetables and sauces, so this was a welcomed smorgasbord of delightful variety. Here you can seek out your preferences and be creative.  Below Homemade Tibetan Vege Noodle SoupimageOnce you get dialed in with the local great places that cater to your diet, it’s a heavenly food fest. My favorite daily intake was the ABC fresh juice (Apple, beet & carrot) & lemon, ginger & honey hot drink.!!!   Grated fresh ginger with hot fresh lemon juice & honey.  Have to recreate it back home, the best for non caffeine lovers!!! You can add herbal tea if you like.   Most of the restaurants are safe in McLoud Ganj.  imageOm Star Cafe. They cant afford to get the tourist sick from the water so they all have great water filtering systems and wash all their foods with it!!  Even some have alkalized water !! A real treat.image

I got so much exercising walking and climbing hills.  Just breathtaking scenery in the himalayas.    imageThe monsoon season was ending so we did have daily afternoon rains and it dumped in a few hours sometimes causing floods. Three times the temperature dropped, the winds howled and we had giant hail and ice!! That was a freak thing!! But then again you are in the Himalayas and anything can happen weather wise.  The weather was perfect , similar to California.image image

Another Vegan Restaurant steep climb up in the mountains.

All over India the Cows, goats, dogs & monkeys share the road with drivers & walkers.  Walking & driving defensively becomes a quickly learned habit.  Honking is a way of communication.  You have to walk defensively too or some will run you over.  Eyes everywhere.  India is loud & the Hindus talk loud also, they must think they have to compete with the noise.  Finding quiet is always the ongoing search.  You learn to accept & deal! My new Motto.

We met some awesome New Zealanders who were teaching a month long yoga/kirtan retreat. They had been coming to McLoud for 4 yrs & were also Acupuncturists, they helped me with my sciatica. We ended up hanging out with them on occasion and they turned me onto many other Healers in the area.  Great New worldwide peeps.image

One of our favorites-vegetarian Japanese Restaurant

My living time was a healing frenzy. It was like a 5 wk spa treatment!!  Something I could never do this consistently back home.  I did my Kundalini Yoga every day & became good friends with my Yoga teacher from Finland. She & her husband are Sikh Khalsahs and have a farm that Sanjay went down to visit in the Punjab area. image They follow a Sikh guru that lives on their farm.  image image imageVery devout Sikhs.  We got a hold of a huge book about the 500 year history of the Sikhs.  So that was fun learning about their history.  Another persecuted race that only wanted peace & equality so as to not be controlled by the Hindus & the Muslims. The Sikhs were a very strong race early on and great warriors. They were feared by the Hindus & the Muslims that they would grow in numbers and take over more land.  So they were constantly tortured and killed by all, even the British slaughtered them?? India being a very traditional Patriarchal society with a strict caste system tried to impose their religion & way of life on the Sikhs and everyone else. imageThey didn’t  like the Sikh views. One being equality of women.  The Sikhs are vegetarians and passed a law in their land, the Punjab, to not kill cows. That pissed off the Meat eaters.   A lot of underlying hatred towards the Sikhs. Shameful.  Another mind blowing and heartbreaking history.

The small village upper mountain town of Bhagsu was just up the road from McLoud.  image imageWalking distance or by Rickshaw, it had many healing classes & modalities for everyone.  It was much higher up the mountain and harder to get to so it was cheaper and mostly young people.  imageA real fashion trendsetter in this photo.

Many Israeli’s come to Bhagsu to seek spiritual growth but also to party.  They are required to serve in the military , both boys & girls for 2 yrs.  Since India is cheap they all come to travel in India after they serve, till they decide what they want to do for their career or otherwise.  So we searched for Guesthouses away from the action & noise, way out in the forest. The Israelli’s come in groups, herds, literally and take over the town. That was interesting, all very liberal young adults ready to help change the world.  Actually it was that way across the board with all the races I was exposed to. The young adults are ready for changes, peace & love!! Yay!!  Our generational saviors.

We ended up staying in Bhagsu the last 2 wks because it was closer to my classes.  This was the only Hindu Temple in the area.imageimageSo we kept extending our stay because so many new healing opportunities & wonderful connections would appear.  I’m so glad we did, it was such a fantastic, expanding & healing time of my life.image image

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